
10 Steps to Avoid Dental Tourism Scams

December 6, 2023

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The allure of dental tourism is undeniable. Access to affordable dental care, combined with the opportunity to explore exotic destinations, has made it an increasingly popular option for those seeking dental treatments. However, along with the benefits, there's also a risk to this industry - including scams. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of dental tourism scams, how to identify them, and most importantly, how to avoid falling victim to them.

Understanding Dental Tourism Scams

Dental tourism involves traveling to another country to receive dental treatment, often at a lower cost than what is available in one's home country. While there are many legitimate and reputable dental providers, there are also unscrupulous individuals and organizations looking to exploit unsuspecting patients. Dental tourism scams can take various forms. Some examples include:

  • Fake Clinics and Practitioners: Some scammers set up fake clinics or impersonate qualified medical professionals. They may display impressive credentials on their websites, but these are often fabricated.
  • False Promises: Scammers might promise miraculous cures or treatments that are not supported by scientific evidence. They prey on the desperation of patients seeking quick fixes. It it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Hidden Costs: Patients are lured in with attractive package deals, only to find hidden costs cropping up during or after the treatment. This can include undisclosed fees, extra charges for necessary procedures, or unexpected follow-up expenses.
  • Substandard Facilities: Patients may arrive at their destination to find that the facilities are not up to the promised standards, with inadequate hygiene or outdated equipment.
  • Unnecessary Procedures: Patients might be convinced to undergo unnecessary procedures, solely for the purpose of generating more income for the scammer.

Follow these 10 Steps to avoid falling into a Dental Tourism Scam

1. Vet Providers Extensively: Thoroughly check credentials of specific surgeons and dentists - don’t just rely on facility reputation. Verify medical diplomas, dental/medical licenses, board certifications, fellowship training, and years of experience specifically performing your procedure. Check databases and professional associations to confirm credentials. Explore online reviews and testimonials to watch for any red flags like poor surgical outcomes, infections, unethical behavior, or billing issues. Reputable facilitators like Globalcare complete extensive screening to only partner with clinics and doctors that meet quality and safety standards.

2. Meet provider Pre-Treatment: Schedule a virtual meeting directly with your potential surgeon or dentist before committing. This allows you to see if you feel comfortable with their explanations and approach. If communication seems unclear or you get an uneasy feeling, it is not worth the effort and money.

3. Ask All Your Questions Get clear details from potential providers on the facility, equipment, individual provider’s experience levels, procedure process, medication/device use, expected outcomes, including aftercare. Gather information about expected logistics like transfers and translation services, as well as pre-procedure requirements (e.g. scans, lab work). Come prepared with all your potential questions and concerns written out. Reliable providers and facilitators will comprehensively and transparently address any areas that are unclear. Globalcare facilitates open communication between you and potential providers to get answers to all your questions before you commit to traveling.

4. Review Agreements Closely: Carefully read any provided contracts, policies, or consent forms from beginning to end before signing. Confirm you understand all the terms, costs, care commitments, risks, and your responsibilities. Do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions on any unclear sections - legitimate facilities and doctors will explain in depth without pressuring your consent. Only sign when all aspects make sense and align with verbal discussions.

5. Consider Insurance: Look into reputable travel and/or medical insurance options to safeguard against potential cancellations, post-treatment complications, accidents, or other emergencies surrounding care abroad. Confirm policies adequately cover your specific procedures, travel regions, emergency medical evacuation if required, outpatient aftercare costs, and any other relevant benefits. You can learn more about insurance for medical travelers here

6. Retain Documentation & Use Secure Online Practices

Keep thorough records including all correspondence, receipts, medical reports, before/after photos, or any other paperwork related to your treatment journey. When interacting with medical tourism providers online, ensure that the website is secure, and the communication is encrypted. Avoid sharing sensitive personal information over unsecured channels. Reputable facilitators like Globalcare securely store your documentation in your private portal for access anytime.

7. Choose an Experienced Dental Travel Partner

Rather than coordinate everything alone, use an established facilitator like Globalcare. Reputable medical tourism providers thoroughly vet each doctor and hospital, coordinate both pre- and post-trip care, offer support throughout your journey, handle travel logistics, facilitate payments securely, and apply protection policies to support you every step of the way. This allows you to fully focus on your health and treatment while at your destination.

8. Understand Legal Protections

Be aware of medical malpractice laws and legal resources available in your destination country in case issues arise with providers post-treatment. Reputable facilitators can help advise on regulations and assist in accessing local legal help if ever needed.

9. Beware of Unrealistic Promises: Be cautious of providers promising guaranteed results or treatments that seem too good to be true (Most of the time, they are!). Trust treatments that are backed by scientific research and medical evidence.

10. Lastly, Listen to your Gut! If interactions with any provider/facilitator leave you with an uneasy or unsafe feeling, trust your instincts. You are under no obligation to proceed if red flags arise.


Medical tourism can offer life-changing treatments and experiences, but the potential for scams and fraudulent practices cannot be ignored. By staying vigilant, conducting thorough research, and relying on reputable providers like Globalcare for guidance, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to medical tourism scams. Your health and safety should always be the top priority, so take the necessary precautions to ensure a positive and legitimate medical tourism experience. With diligent research and an experienced medical travel partner, you can access excellent international treatment options without overpaying or compromising on care. Stay vigilant and let us handle logistics - make your journey stress-free and successful!

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